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Directory of Offices/Warehouses

La Rosa Del Monte
Bronx, NY
1133-35 Tiffany Street
Bronx, NY 10459
P: (800) 4LA ROSA (452-7672) 
P: (718) 991-3300
F: (718) 893-1948
E-mail: internat@larosadelmonte.com

La Rosa Del Monte
Miami, FL
7600 N.W. 68th Street
Miami, FL 33166
P: (800) 599-5524
P: (305) 884-7470
F: (305) 884-6350
E-mail: miami@larosadelmonte.com

La Rosa Del Monte
Orlando, FL
10208 General Drive
Orlando, FL 32824
P: (888) 605-6262
P: (407) 859-6262
F: (407) 826-4167
E-mail: orlando@larosadelmonte.com

La Rosa Del Monte
Bridgeport, CT
110 Austin Street
Bridgeport, CT 06604
P: (800) 775-6452
P: (203) 333-2812
F: (203) 333-3373
E-mail: conn@larosadelmonte.com

La Rosa Del Monte
Chicago, IL
4834 W. Armitage Avenue
Chicago, IL 60639
P: (800) 643-6684
P: (773) 745-1331
F: (773) 745-1608
E-mail: chicago@larosadelmonte.com

La Rosa Del Monte
Worcester, MA
471 Southbridge Street
Worcester, MA 01610
P: (800) 752-4049
P: (508) 752-4049
F: (508) 752-4019
E-mail: mass@larosadelmonte.com

La Rosa Del Monte
Philadelphia, PA
2250-64 N. 5th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19133
P: (800) 538-1372
P: (215) 203-8000
F: (267) 687-7728
E-mail: penn@larosadelmonte.com

La Rosa Del Monte
San Diego, CA
P: (760) 295-3580
F: (760) 295-7166
E-mail: cali@larosadelmonte.com


Overseas Offices/Warehouses

La Rosa Del Monte
Puerto Rico
Carr. #2 km 19.6 Bo. Candelaria
Toa Baja, Puerto Rico 00949
P: (787) 780-5775
F: (787) 798-7101
E-mail: puertorico@larosadelmonte.com

Mailing Address:
PO Box 2358
Toa Baja, Puerto Rico 00951

La Rosa Del Monte
Dominican Republic
Calle Juan Erazo #21
Esq. Jose de Jesus Ravelo, Villa Juana
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
P: (809) 685-6256
F: (809) 682-0472
E-mail: domrep@larosadelmonte.com



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Privacy Policy (Simple-one transaction)

We are committed to communicating with you in a professional manner and protecting your confidential information. We use the information you provide (e.g. name, address, phone number, email, etc.) to contact you to share information about our (products/services). We will not share your information with any third party outside of our organization, other than as necessary to fulfill your request. This company does not sell, trade or rent your personal information to others.

Please contact us to correct or update information at any time at 305-884-7470.